Aikidrôle Tome 1 - Humorous manga about Aikido

Aikidrôle: The humour-filled adventures of a gang of nutty aikidokas and their one-of-a-kind Sensei.

Redaction : Emmanuelle Magnenat

aikidrole manga english version

Aikidrôle 1

Tome 1 : Aikidrôle: The humour-filled adventures of a gang of nutty aikidokas and their one-of-a-kind Sensei. Discover crazy, funny, real or fabulous situations on the tatami mats of the funniest aikido dojo in the world!

46 pages – black and white – manga, humor
Translation : Institut Neo
Texts and drawings : E-Maniak

Would you rather read it online? If you like the manga, don't hesitate to invite me for a coffee with Ko-Fi.


This is my humorous comic / manga inspired by my aikido practice. The characters (most of them) are inspired by my Sensei and my comrades. You think I am the star of Aikidrôle « . But no! This is the Sensei in the leading role!

French version here.

Addendum 2023: So in real life, I practice aikido. When I drew the manga, I was a green belt. Since then, I have passed my second dan Aikikai.